The Australian Minister Mr. Smith expressed his satisfaction about the security arrangements made by Indian Security forces for IPL Matches. By the statement of Foreign Minister of Australia it is confirmed that the Australian Player will be participating in the IPL matches in India. The main threat to the Australian players for the Indian visit for IPL matches was the warning of Shiv Sena leaders. Shiv Sena warned Australian players against their visit to Indian for IPL Maches. Now the Shiv Sena leadership has welcomed the Australian players saying that the Indian people of Australia requested Shiv Sena to allow the Ausis players to participate in IPL maches.
Vice Foreign Minister to Chine Cui TiankaiChina said that United Nations is unnecessarily interfering in Domestic issues. The Minister was showing China's protest on Dalai Lama- Obama Meeting
US President Obama said his willingness to protect the Tibet people. In the meeting with Dalai Lama and Obama in USA, Obama offered all possible help to Tibet people.